Cleveland Perkins
Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor Ceveland Perkins

Pastor Cleveland has committed himself to the building of the Kingdom of God, transforming lives, building communities, building the church body and winning souls for the Kingdom.

Poseda Perkins

Pastor Poseda is persuaded that God is able to keep that which she has committed to him against that day.  She is deliberate, intentional and purposeful in her prayer so that God’s purpose will be lived out in her life in its fullness.

Albert Douglas

Serves as elders to our local congregation, his years of experience in ministry, previously serving as a pastor is invaluable.

Brian Wiltshire

Brian is an astute minister of the word, his gifting in the interpretation of scripture helps recipients to grasp an understanding of God’s word. He teaches in our Sunday school and has a Master of Divinity from Canada Christian College and School of Graduate Theological Studies.

Ragerbert Briscoe
Minister Ragerbert Briscoe

Roger as he is affectionally known, states that “with a second chance I have returned to the calling of the Lord of which I am fully enjoying”.  He serves as head of Steward and prides himself on attendees having a warm welcome when they enter through our doors.

Opal Wiltshire
Minister Opal Wiltshire

Opal Wiltshire serves our Women’s ministry leader and has a desire to see women working together in building each other up. She currently works as the Administrator for the local church.

Olga Francis

Olga’s love and commitment to our new converts is outstanding. She guides them  through the process of being inaugurated into our main service which at times may seem daunting.

Nicky Wallace
Minister Nicky Wallace

Nicky has a desire to bring soul to Christ and believes that through his life’s experience he can connect with people in many of life’s challenges.

Marcia Williams
Minister Marcia Williams

Marcia is a graduate of Roehampton University in Theological studies and has pursued a course in Counselling. She has a passion for prayer and heads our prayer ministry.

Roy G. Robinson

Roy is a graduate of Roehampton University and continues to pursue post-graduate studies in theology/philosophy and business management. He is actively involved in youth mentoring and couple’s relationship counselling.

Linton Thompson

Serves as elders to our local congregation, his years of experience in ministry, previously serving as a pastor is invaluable.

Linton Nelson
Lay Minister
Minister Linton Nelson

Linton (Bunny) has a dynamic praise and worship ministry which he displays in a freedom of expression unto God that draws you into worship. His love for the people of God is seen in his commitment to his local church and beyond.


Lloydeth Newell
Lay Minister
Minister Loweth Newell

Lloydeth sits on the board of our Youth Council and serves as a mentor for the 12 – 25 year olds whom she holds dear to her heart. She has a passion for God’s word and teaches on the Christian Education team.

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