Our Mission:
To become a growing church community where every soul matters and where God’s Presence is the source and object of our worship, the bond of our fellowship, the energy for evangelism, the strength of our discipleship and the heart of our mission and ministry.
Our Vision:
To become a vibrant church community with over 1000 active worshippers
that are nurtured, disciple and empowered to reproduce themselves through the transforming power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. To become a church community that reflects all ethnic groups that comprise
our city.
To establish ministries and programs that caters for Leadership and
Discipleship Development.
To provide effective social action programs that meet the needs of various
people groups in our communities.
To provide a support system that caters for specific needs of our church
To Discover, Develop and Maximise our Business Potential.
Our Values:
We identify and embrace the following essential values:
Primacy of the Word of God
Transforming Power of Prayer in the Spirit
People of all Nationalities
Mutual Co-operation between Kingdom Saints
Sanctity of Marriage
Individual Giftedness
Transparency and Openness